User Profile - haakon36

ID 39846534
Level User (100)
Points 16264 (Rank 41)
Messages sent 31498 (Rank 3)
Last seen 2022-09-11 08:29:28.926383+00:00
Last active in chat 2022-09-11 08:29:28.926383+00:00
Time spent watching the stream 12 days and 15 hours
Time spent in offline chat 19 hours and 15 minutes
Permabanned on misoobot No

Duel stats

Duels Total 30
Duels Won 10
Duels Lost 20
Winrate 33.33%
Profit from duels -2770 points
Last duel 2015-12-26 21:37:35+00:00
Current Lose Streak 3

Roulette stats

Total points rouletted for 7062
Roulettes amount 4
Profit 6830
Winrate 75.00%
Biggest winstreak 2
Biggest losestreak 1
Biggest win 4774
Biggest loss -116

Roulette history

Time Diff
2020-12-18 23:55:25.338746+00:00 4774
2020-11-30 02:42:08.869761+00:00 2114
2017-12-16 20:07:19+00:00 -116
2017-12-16 19:59:13+00:00 58